Tuesday, 8 November 2011

I've fallen in love with tiny things!

Guten Morgan!

I've always worked under the premise that smaller equals cuter, and seeing as cuteness is one of my main criteria when I make anything, it only seemed like a matter of time before I was scaling things down even further.

These were inspired by this little hedgehog/mushroom scene, which is to become a ring at some point in the future. 

After making that, I sat and drew some more designs for other tiny creature scenes, all of which (I think) will become rings.

I called this one 'Mother and Baby' and it is sooo sweet!

Crab on Beach. I love the level of detail in this one; there is seaweed, shells, rocks and I've tried to make the base itself look like sand, just by using a little pokey tool.

Me and my wonderful boyfriend Steve spent close to an hour (if not more) trying out 5 different cameras, just to see if we could get a better image, but alas, these were the best we could manage with what we had.

Frog on a Lily. Steven said this looked really sad, but I don't see it...

This is one of my favourites. I don't think its true awesomeness can be appreciated in the pictures, but its a happy robot, taking a break from his tough day at the rubbish dump (where he works, obviously), leaning against a washing machine. The base is littered with copper tubing, sheet metal, wires and rocks.

I'm particularly proud of the washing machine :P

And finally, because I managed to get some better pictures, here are some from a couple of days ago. Swirly rainbow snail brooch.

Abstract green ring.

And that is that! 


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